904 356-JOBS (5627)

904 356-JOBS (5627)


Start a New Career with an Apprenticeship!

Looking to start a new career where you can learn on the job?
Apprenticeship may be your solution!

Connecting Job Seekers to Apprenticeships at CareerSource NEFL

Apprenticeships have been used for many years to train new employees in specialized trades like shipbuilding and electrical work.

Now, employers in diverse industries are starting up apprenticeship programs as a way to attract quality people to their businesses.

In these “We’re Here to Help” videos, listen as CareerSource Northeast Florida Apprenticeship Navigator Doreen Lund explains how apprenticeships work and how she can help employers both fund and set up their first apprenticeship programs – and why job seekers should consider this great ‘earn while you learn’ alternative to the traditional four-year college degree.

Apprenticeships are expanding in Florida and are available in a host of industries including Information Technology, Advanced Manufacturing, Healthcare, Construction, Hospitality, Trades, and more.

Earn while you learn at an organization investing in you and your future. Under the guidance of a mentor, you will be taught new skills, earn periodic raises, receive national certification, and have a well-paying job on completion.


Gov. Ron Desantis on Workforce Training & Apprenticeships

Earn Up

CareerSource NEFL has partnered with the Jacksonville Chamber, education, business, and community leaders to focus on developing a shared framework designed to increase system coordination, with the desire to build a workforce pipeline that serves both the goals of talent within our community and the needs of businesses throughout our region.

Our work facilitates opportunities for a growing collaboration of regional partners to share best practices and engage in projects that support talent advancement. Our goal is to build a robust talent ecosystem to meet the needs of our business communities.

Learn more about Earn Up


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Apprenticeship News and Updates

12 reasons why employers love apprenticeships

12 reasons why employers love apprenticeships

12 reasons why employers love apprenticeships (Courtesy of The College Recruiters) -- Apprenticeships are far more popular in markets such as the United Kingdom and European Union than Canada or the United States. But almost worldwide, more and more employers are...

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Success Stories

I’m very thankful to Polyclinic! Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to websites, by people with disabilities.

Jordan Ward
Residential Training Instructor, Florida Deaf-Blind Association