904 356-JOBS (5627)

904 356-JOBS (5627)

Jacksonville, Fla. (March 19, 2025) More than 25 regional employers will take part in the CareerSource Northeast Florida (CareerSource NEFL) Virtual Hiring and Education Fair from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, March 20.

Northeast Florida job seekers can explore job opportunities with companies representing a wide range of industries including Community First Credit Union, RadiFi Credit Union, Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa and Service First Processing – along with government agencies including the Florida Department of Corrections, Clay County School District, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office and Jacksonville Fire & Rescue Department.

Job seekers are encouraged to register in advance at https://bit.ly/marvirtualhef032025.

To enhance their visibility to employers, job seekers are also encouraged to set up a profile on Employ Florida at www.employflorida.com.

For more information about other recruitment events, training opportunities and workshops, visit the events page at https://careersourcenortheastflorida.com/events/.


Media Contact: Ron Whittington, 904.563.0402 (cell) rwhittington@careersourcenefl.com