904 356-JOBS (5627)

904 356-JOBS (5627)

Jacksonville, Fla. (July 31, 2024) CareerSource Northeast Florida (CareerSource NEFL), the workforce development board for Northeast Florida, has its Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) four-year plan open for public comment until August 16, 2024.

The plan can be reviewed at https://careersourcenortheastflorida.com/policies-and-initatives/ — and a public comment submission form is located at the same link.

WIOA requires each local workforce development board, in partnership with the appropriate chief local elected official(s), to develop and submit a comprehensive four-year local plan to the state. The local plan provides a framework for local areas to define how their workforce development systems will achieve the purposes of WIOA.

CareerSource NEFL is responsible for providing a trained workforce to the employers in Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, Putnam, and St. Johns counties. For more information, visit www.careersourcenefl.com.


Media Contact: Ron Whittington, 904.563.0402 (cell) rwhittington@careersourcenefl.com