904 356-JOBS (5627)

904 356-JOBS (5627)


Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

Do you have issues that will impact your success?  Some job seekers have made decisions in the past that have a lasting effect on their ability to get a job.

If your background includes legal problems that prevent you from qualifying for a job, we can help. Through regional partnerships, CareerSource NEFL is able to provide special services to help you make your workplace transition successful.

We can also provide additional resources through other partnering agencies, including domestic violence counseling, vocational rehabilitation, charitable organizations, and other community service organizations.

For an ex-offender, going to an interview can be full of anxiety, but knowing how to sell your strong points can be the key to employment.  Our staff knows how to coach job seekers in this area.  Stop by any of our locations to get assistance.

Disclosing your Background Issues

Issues such as criminal records or substance abuse will show up in background checks and routine drug screenings that prospective employers perform.

If you have a background that includes a criminal history or substance abuse, experts agree that the best policy is to be honest about it with prospective employers.  You should never attempt to lie or cover up background issues; most companies will terminate employees who have falsified applications, no matter how long they’ve been on the job.

Employers may also check your credit history if you’re applying for a position of trust in a financial company.

Not Sure Where to Find Help?

United Way’s 2-1-1 is a free and confidential resource that helps you connect with community organizations that can help you with a crisis or get back on track. Live volunteers answer calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Find help anywhere in North America.

Dial 2-1-1 from any phone.