904 356-JOBS (5627)

904 356-JOBS (5627)

Charles Schwab Corp. to hire hundreds in Florida (Courtesy of the Jacksonville Business Journal) — Charles Schwab Corp. will up its employee presence in Orlando in a big way.

The Westlake, Texas-based financial services company (NYSE: SCHW) will hire over 400 employees in Orlando through 2023. Those jobs will be based out of the company’s local corporate office at 1958 Summit Park Drive in Orlando.

“Through next year, we will be adding roles in functions where there is a demand for additional support,” Stacey Schofield, managing director of Operational Services and the firm’s local business council leader, told Orlando Business Journal.

The company currently has more than 1,400 employees and six branches in Central Florida.

The 400 new jobs at the Orlando corporate office include those in the company’s client service and support, adviser services, operations and wealth advisory teams. Those new positions likely will make the company one of the 25 largest employers in Orlando.

Across its entire footprint, Charles Schwab has over 33.9 million active brokerage accounts, 2.3 million corporate retirement plan participants, 1.7 million banking accounts and $6.64 trillion in client assets. The company and its subsidiaries have more than 32,000 employees and over 400 domestic offices.

The new jobs come as many see the potential for financial services industry to grow long term nationally. The Hartford Financial Services Group expects that growth to be boosted over the next five years from 2022.

“The financial services industry is one of the more mature industries, but one that constantly advances to provide products and solutions to support growth and generate returns,” Ziad Kubursi, head of financial, executive and transactional liability at The Hartford, said in a prepared statement. “Despite the economic challenges with inflation and geopolitical instability, the financial services industry is expected to grow 3% annually over the next five years as interest rates normalize.”

Photo courtesy of Fortune Magazine