904 356-JOBS (5627)

904 356-JOBS (5627)


Thank you for your interest in working with CareerSource Northeast Florida (CSNEFL) as an Eligible Training Provider (ETP). We serve customers in Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, Putnam and St. Johns counties.

ETPs operating for a minimum of three years, who have been approved by and listed on the State Eligible Training Provider List (State ETPL), may apply for inclusion on the CSNEFL ETPL to provide training services to local customers funded under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). We maintain a local Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). Only those who are state approved and offer training included on the CSNEFL 2024-25 Regional Demand/Targeted Occupations List can be considered for inclusion on our local ETPL.

ETPs not yet on the State ETPL must first achieve approval via application at https://www.employflorida.com before being considered by CSNEFL. Click on ‘Sign In/ Register’ and scroll down to Provider to create or update the account for your institution.

Additional Local Criteria

Pursuant to WIOA section 122(b)(3), CSNEFL has established additional criteria for eligibility. ETPs and programs approved by the state and/or other local areas may be denied by CSNEFL based on local criteria or need. Only those ETPs and programs deemed the most advantageous to and in the best interest of CSNEFL customers will be awarded an ETP agreement and listed on the CSNEFL ETPL. Additionally, maintaining an ETP agreement does not obligate CSNEFL to make customer referrals to any ETP for training services.

Program Performance

All Providers must meet state and local performance requirements to maintain eligibility. This includes providing performance data for both WIOA and non-WIOA students annually.

Programs on our local ETPL are required to meet and maintain the following minimum performance requirements. Priority will be given to ETPs with higher rates of performance.

Completion: 75% rate of completion and credential attainment.

Placement: 75% rate of in-field employment within 3 months of completion.

Retention: 75% rate of employment 12 months after completion.

Wages: Meet or exceed the minimum entry-level wage rate on the RDOL/RTOL.

Enrollment and Revenue Maximums

ETPs shall maintain 51% or greater non-CSNEFL (general public) enrollment and earn no more than 49% of its revenue from CSNEFL WIOA funding.

Enrollment Caps

New ETPs’ total enrollment will be capped at five (5) students or $40,000, whichever is less, until performance of those enrolled via CSNEFL can be evaluated.


We Welcome Your Application

Please review our Frequently Asked Questions for more information. Also be sure to sign up for ETPL notifications from us below.

If you would like to be considered for inclusion on the CSNEFL ETPL, please complete both tabs in the provided Excel workbook and email it with your latest FETPIP or CIE Performance Report to ProviderList@careersourcenefl.com.

Questions about the process or your application status should also be directed to this email address.

Get ETPL Notifications

Want to be notified via email about future application opportunities? Complete the sign-up below.